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  • Writer's pictureDoc B

Beard straightening. It’s a thing.

Okay, so I’ll fess up: until very recently I didn’t know beard straighteners were a thing. Having had a short beard that I tidied up with clippers once or twice a week it was completely off my radar. But a month or two into growing a longer beard and seeing how unruly it was becoming I started investigating and lo and behold, bearded folk across the globe are routinely taming their beards. There’s a couple of ways to do this, but today I’m going to focus on the heated beard brush.

Close up of a grey beard that has been straightened
A beautifully straightened beard

In this step-by-step guide, I'll walk you through the process of using a heated beard brush to tame your mane and achieve the ultimate beard grooming goals.

Step 1: Prep your beard

Start with a clean, dry beard. Wash your beard using a gentle beard shampoo and ideally let it air dry completely.

Step 2: Turn on the heated beard brush

Plug in your heated beard brush and wait for it to reach the desired temperature. They take a few minutes, so I usually dry and style my head hair while I’m waiting. Most heated beard brushes come with adjustable temperature settings. Choose a temperature that suits your beard's thickness and texture. Lower temperatures work well for fine hair, while thicker beards may require slightly higher heat settings.

Step 3: Apply a heat protectant

To be honest, I don’t bother with this step. I don’t have a super long beard and the ends get trimmed before there is any problem with splitting or drying out. However, if you have a longer beard or your hair is particularly dry then it’s a good idea to apply something like argan oil first. I’ve heard beard oil being recommended, but I’m not convinced. If there are oils in the mix that have a low smoking point I reckon you could fry the hairs and do more damage than using nothing.

Step 4: Brush up, across one way, across the other, then down

Starting from the root, brush through each section of your beard using slow, smooth upward strokes. The heated bristles will gently glide through your facial hair, straightening as you go. Once you’ve finished brushing upwards you will look ridiculous, but that’s okay – next brush across in one direction, then the other, and finally downward.

Step 5: Apply beard oil

Once your beard is beautifully straightened, apply your Doc B aromatherapy beard oil to keep your facial hair hydrated and healthy.

There you have it – a step-by-step guide to using a heated beard brush for a suave and sophisticated look. Embrace the power of this grooming tool and enjoy the confidence that comes with a flawlessly groomed beard. Happy styling!


Doc B

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